Get Life Time Mentorship With Me And Eliminate Trial, Error, And Guesswork...

With Ongoing Guidance, Hands-On Support & Actionable Coaching

(Every Single One Of My Mentees Is Turning Over Multiple Figures!)

Don’t Rely On “Beginners Luck” To Get You Through The Toughest Part Of Your Land Bank Investment Journey…

The Beginning

“But I’m not relying on luck, I already have your eBook, Charles!” Books, courses, and online resources can only answer so many of your questions.

What happens when you have more specific questions?

What happens when you need personalized advice on a specific topic, location, or property?

You already know what will happen… You’ll end up falling into the trap of reading false, harmful, and just plain stupid information found on the internet.

Don’t do it to yourself

Just. Don’t. I’m prepared to free up 6 weeks of my time to personally coach YOU.

Each week, as you get closer to finding, funding, securing, and finalizing the purchase of your first land banking property… I’ll be there every single step of the way.

If you have questions, I’ll answer them.
If you get stuck, I’ll help you get back on track.
If you lose confidence, I’ll give you a pep talk.
If you need personalized advice, I’ll be there.

With my personalized mentorship, you can’t go wrong!

Don’t do it to yourself

Just. Don’t. I’m prepared to free up 6 weeks of my time to personally coach YOU.

Each week, as you get closer to finding, funding, securing, and finalizing the purchase of your first land bank property… I’ll be there every single step of the way.

If you have questions, I’ll answer them.
If you get stuck, I’ll help you get back on track.
If you lose confidence, I’ll give you a pep talk.
If you need personalized advice, I’ll be there.

With my personalized mentorship, you can’t go wrong!

Is This Mentorship Right For You?

Let me answer your question with a question: Are you 110% confident in your ability to master this innovative strategy?

It’s not just your future on the line… It’s your family’s, and the generations that follow.  

Right now, you’re still trying to get your head around this new and improved, innovative way to make money in real estate.

I already know it like the back of my hand, because I invented this strategy!

I know every single loophole and shortcut... I know what works, what doesn’t, and the exact steps you need to take to create debt-free generational wealth in record speed…

I know how to cut out YEARS of trial and error and expensive mistakes… Do YOU? If your answer was “no”, or “uggh, I’m not sure…” THIS is the mentorship program for you.

Here’s What Your Mentorship Includes:

Lifetime Mentorship With Charles Noonan

Get Personalized Advice From A Land Bank Investment Pro Who Has Successfully Funded & Sold 30+ Properties In Less Than 2 Years

Weekly Calls

During These Calls, You Will Have The Opportunity To Ask Charles Noonan Any Questions You Have & Talk Strategy, Tips, Tricks & More

The Simple, 7-Step Land Bank Investment Formula

Gain Access To Charles Noonan’s EXACT Step-By-Step Formula

On Demand Training Portal

On Demand Training within the portal... there is a $49/monthly fee after you join the portal

Plus Much Much More…

Every Single One Of My Mentees

Get Rapid Results:

Now, It’s Your Turn!

Special Mentorship Offer Unlocked:

Mentorship at this level is usually $5,000+/month. I’m giving you lifetime training of for HALF that price.

I know you want this. I know you’re prepared to work for this. I know that you’re EXACTLY the type of person I want to work with, because you’re still here, reading this page.

You’re an action taker… And you know a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity when you see one.

So, as a special thanks for choosing ME to be your coach, and for already investing in my training resources…

I want to offer you lifetime for a ONE-TIME price of $2,500.

*You will NOT find another soul revealing this strategy online.
*You will NOT find a better deal ANYWHERE.

I’m teaching you how to build generational wealth, 100% DEBT-FREE…

If you follow my guidance to a T, you can easily make the money you spend today back.

I’m teaching you how to build generational wealth, 100% DEBT-FREE…

If you follow my guidance to a T, you can easily make the money you spend today back in LESS than 6 weeks

Total Value: $4,999 | TODAY ONLY GET IT FOR $3,000:

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